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Ever since I was a child, I have taken great pleasure in asking questions.  I believe it is my superpower.  You know, the thing I do like no one else; my sweet spot, the free money. Not general questions, like how things work and what something means, but deep questions, probing questions.  The kind that make people uncomfortable.   At first, I didn’t know this was the case.  I had the great gift of a grandmother who made me feel like my questions were normal and welcome.  She opened herself up like a book and poured out all the wisdom she accrued throughout her life and I soaked it up like a thirsty plant. 

I wanted to know what made her tick.  Why she did the things she did.  I wanted to understand her motivations and because I listened to her heart I could deeply love her.  Even though it was no secret that she wasn’t a perfect person, I could overlook all the ugly because she had allowed me to see the beautiful. 

Not everyone responded to my superpower the way grandma did.   As a matter of fact, it was offensive to some and repulsive to others. Now I can be thankful that I was stubborn enough to not stop asking.  I continued to inquire throughout my 45 years, however, I have had to live with the dark side of the gift too.  Some would call it a shadow.  In my case, the shadow of my superpower has been rejection.  Which really sucks for someone like me who loves to be loved by everybody. 

For years, I couldn’t figure it out.  Why did people distance themselves from me?  Why did I continue to lose friends that I would do anything for?  What in the heck is wrong with me? And so, I did what I do…..I asked questions.  Since I am a biblist and avid follower of the Lord Most High who I got acquainted with through Jesus, I looked to the Bible for answers, but I also turned to my prayer closet.  The Lord God truly became my greatest friend, the One who sticks closer than a brother, the One who would NEVER leave me nor forsake me. 

Over the course of my love walk with Jesus, he has given me a great deal of insight into these issues of the soul and now I am ready to share them with you.  Because in reality, you need me.  But not more than I need you.   You see, you have a superpower too.  Did you know that?  If you haven’t discovered it yet, I’m here to tell you that it is probably hiding behind your greatest pain.  If you need help discovering it, l have developed a list of the most common struggles I have encountered in my years of question asking and I invite you to write in.   I would be happy to send you a copy of this list.  Or, if you’re really brave, you could share it with me in an email and I will courageously respond with insight and encouragement (my other superpower; I didn’t say you could only have one). 

May 2020 be a year of discovering your superpower and attracting those who will celebrate it. 
The Craugher


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