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Teaching from Design

I spent my morning watching Glory of Zion online, which is where I worship with regularity.  I have aligned myself with this ministry.  Today, they highlighted a letter they received from a boy named Ben. In it, he reported how his “homed school” experience was going, and it WAS NOT GOOD!  This immediately brought me back to my early homeschooling days.  I remember how difficult it was and how the LORD met me in my weakness.

Mommas (or dads), I want to offer you some encouragement and lessons I learned in the midst of the chaos of my own agendas of what I thought school at home should look like.   First, take a deep breath and know that you are deeply loved.  Second, I want to encourage you to look at this time with your child as a gift and not the curse that it may feel like at the moment.  Finally, I want to challenge you to discover who you are at your core and in turn who each of your children are and the gift of wholeness they can bring to your table. 

In the midst of my homeschooling three preschoolers I soon learned that I could easily become frustrated and very scary in my attempt to teach my children all they "needed" to know.  I had one compliant child, but my second one…..she challenged EVERYTHING!  Not in a rude way, but she always had her own ideas of how things should go, and she was only 3!!  In the midst of my enforcement of the lesson plan, the Lord spoke to me and asked me a question.  He said, “What is more important, that she understands the concept or that she does it your way?” 
“Whoa”, I thought in response.  I backed off and celebrated her ability at such an early age to demonstrate understanding and express her unique shade of His light.  Oh how He loves us! Can we just rest in that truth for a moment?

Right now we all are faced with an opportunity to recapture the hearts of our children.  I want to encourage you to not be driven by agendas during this time.  Trust me, your children are human sponges designed by their Creator to learn.  They are constantly learning, so be intentional about what you teach them during this time.  Are we teaching them that learning is a chore?  It’s hard work that causes mom to become angry.  Or "the lesson is more important than me". Are we showing them they have no control and are victims of their circumstances and that life is hard?  What are we demonstrating to them at this time?  I am just asking the question in hopes that you will too.  Ask the Lord, “What is on your agenda for my children at this time? What do YOU want them to learn.”  Then, do THAT!

Finally, I want to encourage you that this event in history did not surprise our Father.  You are equipped for this job and perfectly created to parent the children He has entrusted to your care. My challenge to you is to dig deep and remember your passion.  Remember, if you can, what makes you…..YOU!  Then, I invite you to impart that gift to them.  Can you cook a mean meatloaf?  Show your kids how.  Are you super clean and organized?  Teach them about what makes you tick and how you process through your agenda.  Or can you choreograph a dance or just like to boogie?  Turn on the tunes and have a party celebrating life.  My point is, give them the gift of you.  Then, maybe invite them each to do the same.  Put the ball in their court and let each of them be the teacher for the day, maybe they can even plan and cook the meals.  You might learn something amazing about your child's design and superpower!

I want to give you the gift of PERMISSION.  This is your family, your life…..please enjoy it.  This is the best gift that you can give to your Creator at this time.  Enter into His Presence with thanksgiving for the ways He made you and each of your kiddos.  And that in His wisdom, He brought you together to make a family, each one doing their part to make something beautiful.  We tend to complicate things with our ideas on how things SHOULD be.  Take yourself off the hook and rest in His deep LOVE for you and your people.


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