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The Seven Spirit of God & My Story- Part 2

Chapter 4-  The Spirt of Counsel

Calling my sister in law, I quickly made arrangements.  Although we were practically strangers, she agreed, and I was scheduled for a one week stay in Austin.  My brother in law picked me up from the airport and advised me that I happened to be arriving on a very important weekend.  Master’s Commission was hosting an event at their church that was starting that very night.  I told him that I was open to whatever and that the only instruction that I had received was that I was “here to wrestle.”  Master Commission is an intense discipleship training program that challenges young adults to grow an intimate relationship with God and pursue the dreams God has placed before them.

Upon arriving at Glad Tidings in Austin, TX I was immediately stuck by the energy in the room.   Although most of the Master’s Commission students were my age, I felt significantly older.  I was already a wife and a stepmom and clearly in a different season of life than my peers.  It was almost as if I was experiencing this event as a much older woman.  Nonetheless, I was struck to the core by the passionate worship and the surrender to the Spirit that was on display.  In the circles I was accustomed to, there was no mention of the Spirit, but here I could feel It! Truthfully, it made me a little uncomfortable.  Little did I know that was just the beginning of the discomfort I would experience that night. The night was full of radical worship and I observed with much wonder.  But then a man arrived on stage and stated that He had heard from the Lord.   He said, “We never do it this, but the Lord has instructed me that there is someone here who needs to wrestle.”  My brother in law whipped his head around and looked in my direction, we both knew he was talking about me.   He went on to explain this concept as an “Underground training tool” and called up a young man to demonstrate what this looked like.   I was completely appalled.  The young man was instructed to begin to confess his sin and pour out his heart as a group of his peers encircled him.  As he started confessing the ugly truth of his condition the people around him began cheering him on and encouraging him.  As they did this, his confessions got uglier and the tears and snot came.  Just when he was a heaping mess on the floor this group raised his arms and declared him a winner, a champion.   It was certainly a sight to behold.  And one that I wanted NO part of.

Then the man invited “that person” to come up.  “ummm…”, I thought.  He waited and stated, “Don’t let pride and the fear of man hold you back from your freedom”.  Slowly people began to come forward and I felt as if I were off the hook.  The Lord reminded me why I had come; I yielded my will to His and accepted His invitation to come and be free.  

Chapter 5- The Spirit of Might/Strength

I had to close my eyes and I obeyed.  I came in weakness, with great fear and trembling, my words were not wise or persuasive but demonstrated God’s power.  (1 Cor. 2:3-4).  As I opened my mouth and began my confession, the words poured out from the depth of my soul.  It went on for what seemed like ages, but when my arms were lifted in victory, I knew that I was free indeed.  A joy settled in my spirit as I wiped the sweat off my forehead.  I had defeated a very real enemy that could have kept me bound. The Spirit of God did not take over my body.  He invited me to participate in what He was doing, just like Blackaby’s Experiencing God had said.  Obedience is costly to you and those around you.  Although the price seemed large at the time; I was going to look like a fool.  I learned that there is no price too great for freedom and that as I yielded to His instruction His spirit within me would equip and enable me to do the very thing in my own strength I could not do.  Like the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel in Zechariah 4:6: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord Almighty”.  I had been empowered and that power would stay on me for the reminder of my trip.  I was set free from my addiction to marijuana and fueled to spend the next 6 days in deep study and reception.  He poured so much into me that week as I listened to more than 20 hours of Beth Moore’s breaking free Bible Study.  I also was given a book that would be critical over the next two decades of my journey.  I devoured “He came to set the Captives Free” by Rebecca Brown, MD.  They were wonderful tools that I would bring back with me to Michigan. 

The second most transformational event that occurred that week was when I met a man who told me everything I ever did. (John 4:29) Yes, I was introduced to the prophetic and I was intrigued.    As this minister told me things about myself that no one could possibly know, I was cut to the heart and understood that God was intimately acquainted with my life and my deep pain.  As he spoke the words, “God is not mad at you” over me I wept from somewhere deep within my being.  The Lord was beginning to impart that truth to me.  I wish that I could have fully believed Him in that moment, but the truth is that is has taken me over 20 years to accept His unconditional, radical, perfectly complete love and acceptance of me and my design.  After all, He put me together for His pleasure and purposes and had deposited His Spirit in me as a guarantee of my inheritance. (Ephesians 1:34-14)

Texas provided for me my first experience with the truth of 2 Corinthians 12:10, “That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong”.

I left Texas with an impartation.  Just like Jacob had wrestled with the Lord and been blessed, I too felt as if I had an experience from Genesis 32:26. I just did not realize the extent to which my spiritual eyes had been opened.  I found out as soon as I returned home from my trip.  As I walked through the doors of my home in Holland, MI I could feel the presence of evil.  It overtook me and I was quite frightened. I immediately called my brother in law who prayed for me as I listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit advising me what to do next.  Peace came and I obeyed the order, “It’s time to clean house”.  I was instructing to go through each room and remove anything the Lord said was displeasing to him.  I took a bunch of things including old love letters, a bowl for smoking pot and other remembrances from a former romantic relationship and dumped them in a dumpster around the corner from my home.   I returned to my home and it felt clean.

Chapter 6- The Spirit of Wisdom

I had much to process from this week of deep revelation.  I had returned to a culture where the things I had experienced were not discussed.  Again, not being one for pretense, I quickly begin sharing with the staff of the local church I had become a part of.  I could see they had little paradigm for the things that I spoke of and admitting to a drug addiction while on staff of a church isn’t standard operating procedure.  I am certain they had no idea what to do with me.  I was grateful that I wasn’t fired, but I also needed guidance on how to proceed in my newfound freedom. That is when the Lord led me to Dr. Neil Anderson’s Freedom in Christ materials.   Although prophetic ministry seemed to get to the root quite quickly, Wisdom would reveal that there was more than one way to freedom.  Neil Anderson’s methods were much more suited to the Christian Reformed Community that had become my church family.  As I learned this technique, I was pleasantly received by a few key members of the elder board and we launched a ministry.  We were able to help some people, but this is the kind of thing the enemy of our souls conspires against.  Looking back, this may very well be why things began to change and soon I was no longer feeling that I was a productive asset to the church staff.  It was time for me to move outside of the four walls of the church I loved so much. 

Chapter 7- The Spirit of Understanding/Revelation

I would not be honest if I said that all of this was easy.  There was much pain in the process of my spiritual growth. Thankfully the Lord has given me a strong ability to persevere and search for answers instead of yielding to the temptation to throw in the towel. This is when I began calling out for wisdom and crying aloud for understanding. (Proverbs 2:3)  At this point in my journey, I did not even know about the seven spirits of God in which I am now writing.(Isaiah 11:2-3) But as you can see, they had been at work all along pursuing me and wooing me into a relationship with the lover of my soul. (Psalm 103) I have taken God at his Word. I have cried out in my desperation to understand. I have put into practice the admonitions and learned to hear and respond to His voice.  I have written a Devotional, "My Body His Temple: a fifty day journey from Passover to Pentecost". Using the Festival of Weeks as a model, (Duet. 16-9-12 & Lev. 23:10-16) I have written a daily devotion intended to examine each part of our being and yield in service to the Lord Most High.  It is a love offering to my brothers and sisters, the elect of God, from what I have received in the Secret Place.  I pray that they impact you as much as they have me. I am confident that they will continue to grow and transform me into the likeness of the One I love and Whose Image I bear.

Stay tuned for my daily devotional.  Follow the link for a video version of My Testimony- Part 2


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